
I used to look at you and see you as children. I now see pain and degradation. I’d take away your suffering but you’re unwilling to relent. It eats you whole it rips you apart and blindly you go on. How can I wake you up from this self induced nightmare? How can I make you see there is nothing at the end of this fruitless road? How can I change your path? I would scream and shout and holler if it would wake you. I would perform an auto da fe if it would break you of this endless cycle of torment, self loathing and idiocy. I fear I am not strong enough to come between you and your true love. Watching you chase the white dragon eviscerates my very soul. It flays me alive. It breaks me on the rack. All my wailing is for naught…you’ll change if you want too, how do I accept that? How do I let you go?